KarmaBanshee Website Banner

I am SO happy to have finally finished my own logo & a new banner showcasing all my talents in Clip Studio Paint!

I hope you guys can feel all the love and effort I poured into this image. I really wanted it to fit the space/sythnwave vibe I have for the site so I have her floating, but I also wanted you to be able see some of her personality and interests.

You can check out the banner just by visiting the home page but here is a link to the picture as well. [New Banner]

An update on the Megas XLR MK2 comic

Hi everyone!

I know it has been a long time since I have posted anything Megas XLR MK2 related and even longer since I originally announced the comic itself back in 2016 and I sincerely apologize for that. Today I will be covering what the team and I have done, what we haven’t done yet and why that is.

So far I have written and sketched a mini comic that we will the first thing we will release! It’s a small story that will explain the reason for their outfit change, it will serve to test our skills as a team and see how long it takes to produce 8-10 pages. I have written 2 chapters as well as an overall plot line for the other 8 planned chapters. I have started designs on villains, spaceships and even a planet as well as started to purchase assets to help the process of drawing go by a bit faster!

I know like that doesn’t seem like much but it’s all we have been able to do over the past few years. I had a member leave the team and then went through some personal issues that took my attention away from working on the comic, my partner is also very busy due to work and has not been able to help me out. The pandemic and my personal situation make things much worse for me creatively and I am unsure of when either of those things will get better but I do know I still love Megas XLR and the fan comic with all my heart and I WANT to work on them but I do not know when either me or my partner will be able to do so and I do not want to make another estimated release date then not release anything.

Thanks for reading and I will talk to you guys again soon! -KarmaBanshee